Mike Rock
Title: Director, Client Services
Years with OSG: 13
Years in Supply Chain: 20+
Ask the Expert
What does your day-to-day look like?
My typical day breaks down into three components. First, I would say focus project management tasks – SOW’s, monitoring hours usage, requesting new resources if needed, and creating new SOW’s and estimates as required. Second, I check with associates to see how they are progressing with tasks and inquire if they need assistance. Third, I work on any of my own tasks, such as configuration or scripting jobs.
How did you get started in supply chain?
Prior to Open Sky Group I was a Distribution Center Manager for a company that shipped video games and accessories. I was brought into the job by an old friend who I had worked with in the restaurant industry years earlier. He needed some managerial assistance in the warehouse, and I was available at the time.
How does supply chain impact a company’s broader strategy?
Supply chain strategy and capabilities must be considered, as it will impact the types of offerings a company can make and deliver. For example, if a customer wants to ship directly to a customer through ECOM fulfillment, their supply chain will need to be appropriately equipped. Factors, such as how the warehouse will be set up for efficient picking, agreements that must be made with parcel carriers, systems to be used to generate parcel labels, etc, impact business outcomes.
What do you view as the biggest challenge in the current supply chain environment and how can it be solved?
In my opinion, it is staffing and retention of talented/knowledgeable employees. Most of my customers ask for WMS solutions that require little to no training in terms of ramping up a new employee. Solid WMS functionality will be part of the solution and I think that more warehouses will turn to added automation in the future.
What philosophy do you follow while working with customers?
My main tenet is being honest with the customers. To me, this means providing them with our best recommendations and practices, even when that may not be what the customer wanted to hear. My experience is they appreciate honest dialogue and it strengthens our relationships because they know we are striving to provide them with the best possible solutions.
Please share your favorite success story.
My favorite success story involves our dealing with Makita Tools.
What advice would you give to someone looking to enter the supply chain industry?
What is a fun fact about yourself that your clients may not know?